I've got a 4 day weekend, had planned to garden today but it's already almost 30 degrees (86 Fahrenheit) with a predicted top of 30 and its only midday, no clouds in the sky so I think it may exceed the forecast. Plus UV levels are rated as very high so best to keep it to indoor activities only today.
Think I might have to go shopping. It's Halloween today which is not really celebrated in Australia the way it is in America. Sometimes you get a bunch of kids trick or treating but most of the time you don't. So I'm not sure if I should buy lollies just in case, I could end with a huge pile of lollies and no one to eat them but me. I made a batch of witches fingers and took them to work yesterday. Try carrying a see through box of fingers to work, lots of stares on the train, the woman sitting next to me told me they were gorgeous and everyone at work was quite impressed.
Took a couple of photos of my backyard to compare to what it was when I moved in. It's still a work in progress.
Daisy bushes before